An epic way to re-think distraction

Just a quick little insight that popped up!

I’m starting to share some insights, and trends that we’re experiencing as we navigate through this crazy, ever-changing world of marketing — I think you’ll get a ton of value out of this last post

If you don’t want to click out, I’ve written out the helicopter view below;

I’m not going to be the first people to tell you that the market is noisy…

We are surrounded by endless distraction

But flip that on it’s head, and we are also surrounded by endless points of interaction 🤝

There are endless opportunities for you to connect with your community, and in the words of Jason Fried (Founder of Basecamp) — marketing is BEYOND a set of tasks, it is something everyone in your company is doing 24/7/365.

EVERY interaction we have with our customers is a form of marketing.

Every time someone;

☛ Walks by you
☛ Answers the phone
☛ Responds to an enquiry
☛ Presents a business card
☛ Sends an invoice
☛ Onboards a client

These can all be curated experiences that contribute to longevity.

Marketing is the essence of your business — it’s your message, it’s the communication and connection from your WHY.

People don’t buy what you sell, its why you do it, and how they relate to the new world you can lead them to.

Therefore marketing isn’t a few individual events, it’s the sum total of everything you do.

A quick recommendation — take an audit of the conversations that flow in and out of your business…

1. How you answer your phone calls 
2. How your team interact with new vs. prospective customers
3. How much thought goes into wording emails 
4. What fills the spaces between face to face interactions with your clients.
5. The content on your social media channels

Let me know what comes out…

It is it consistent with your core message, and are you providing value to the people you serve?

Do you feel like your blending in the crowd, or are you standing out

Zac Daunt