Einstein's definition of insanity

Perhaps you’ve heard it?

It’s doing the same things over and over but expecting different results.

So why do so many people continually spin on the wheel, hoping for a new and improved outcome?

Well, change is scary, and the business landscape is filled with uncertainty.

That’s why it can take too long to make decisions, or we wait for our competitors to make the first move.

We react.

But it’s important to note that we really can’t expect to break into new territory by doing what we’ve always done, or by lagging behind the success of others — it’s how you get stuck playing a never ending game of catch up.

So what to do?

There will always be room for people who step forward and take ownership of their space.

To be proactive.

It’s time to break free…

Step towards uncharted territory…

That’s where the opportunity is 🌏


ps. it’s perfectly okay to look at other businesses for inspiration, but at TENASU we’ve reframed our research categories and don’t use the word ‘competitor’.

We call it the MABA Model — and allows you to leverage inspiration from others for a personalised growth experience. 🙏

Zac Daunt