An Inadequate Container

There’s an assault on the mind…

The chaos in the market place is a reflection of our population at large, we don’t know how to cope with the noise and misdirected focus.

Call it a transmission traffic jam if you will.

Basically - it’s loud, and our minds haven’t entirely adapted on the fly.

With seemingly no end in sight, we have to get with the times and appreciate it’s about HOW our customers respond to messages from brands, whether they’re large companies or local ma’s and pa’s - step one is always determining WHY people CHOOSE you.

To be blunt, without that, the chance of success is entirely dependent on fortune and good luck - hardly a strong foundation.

Information and advertising has never been so relentless, and customers have never demanded more from brands.

To better understand what we’re up against, we need to take a look at the ultimate objective of all communication - the human mind, which, truthfully is a totally inadequate container for the barrage of the modern day.

Not only does human mind reject information which does not match its prior knowledge or experience, when it runs out of ‘room’ - it won’t retain it easily [as determined by Harvard psychologists]

With businesses and brand names multiplying like rabbits in the past few years, people are begging for a simple and direct solution to their problem - yet companies use up their valuable attention by spruiking themselves instead of showing the pathway for the outcome their clients want.

The best approach is to refine your message - turn the process around, and focus on the prospect rather than the product. 

When you simplify their selection process - you become more effective, impactful, and valuable.

People don’t really want to have to look at 10 different options when making a decision, they just want confidence that they’ll get what they WANT.

Think about this;

  • How many competitors are in your industry? (countless)

  • How many can you name? (research says 7 on average)

  • How many can you describe in detail beyond that? (1-2 max)

And its YOUR industry, 
YOUR livelihood.

How many do you think your customers can name?

Remember THEY are concerned about THEIR outcomes but rest assured, if we establish the relationship in their mind - when they’re in need, they will be at our front doors [or online stores].

In the name of simplicity, here's five steps you can take to work through this;

  1. Define the customer

  2. Ascertain which of the LF8 best fits your offerings and their needs [more on this here]

  3. Relate to them

  4. Cut out the ambiguity

  5. Showcase the pathway to the outcome they desire

Aren’t things better when you don’t beat around the bush?

Build your strategy around easily becoming their first choice, and staying there - amplifying your impact, and strengthening your bond.


Ps. To paraphrase David Brier and Jim Rohn - if you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your story for you.

The drop-down effect of that - if you don’t design and campaign your unique value proposition - you will be in a position where you are being dictated to by your customers, they won’t feel show any loyalty, and you’ll be left scrambling...

Remember we THRIVE on simplicity - don’t complicate things and fall into the F.W.M.T.S trap [forgetting what made you successful]. 

Go deeper on your business, and your customers - the answers are already there.

If you need help extracting them, just hit me back :)

"If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it."
- Olin Miller

Zac Daunt